Tips for Moving in the winter

It’s officially the time of year to start gearing up for winter! While moving at any time of year can be stressful, moving in the winter can be extra challenging. Winter conditions across Canada can vary, but overall, we can expect freezing temperatures, lots of snow and icy driving conditions. The best way to set yourself up for a successful winter move is to be extra prepared and give yourself plenty of time.
Are you gearing up for a winter move? Keep reading for a few tips to help everything run smoothly.
Be sure to take plenty of time to pack and prepare your old and new house or apartment as well as plan your move.
- Before you start packing set aside your winter gear!
- Make sure all your winter driving gear is in your car.
- Dress for the weather.
- Pick the right boots.
A waterproof and sturdy pair of boots will make all the difference in keeping your feet dry and warm while you move. Most importantly your boots will need to have great grip and traction to prevent you from slipping on ice and injuring yourself. You can also try using removable grips in case of extreme weather conditions and heavy or black ice
- Put an extra layer of protection around your valuables.
- Keep extra towels in the car.
- Let your movers do the heavy lifting.
If you can hire movers… do your research. Read company policies, and reviews from customers and make sure to have all agreements and pricing in writing before you get started. If you are not able to hire movers, ask some trusted friends for help. If there is lots of driving involved- make sure to swap drivers. Grab some food, drinks and snacks before moving day to thank your friends for all their help.
The last few tips we want to leave you with involve how to take care of yourself during the move and keep your stress levels low!
- Ask for all the help you need.
- Be flexible and try not to rush through the day even if you are tired. That’s when accidents happen.
- Find a sitter for your pet(s) and kid(s), even for overnight. If possible, focus all your energy on a successful move.
- Stay hydrated and make sure to take breaks to eat.
- Stay dry and warm, and keep a few spare clothes in your car. The only thing worse than being dry and cold is being wet and cold!
- Keep extra socks handy.
- Keep phone chargers in your car.
- Take it one step at a time and take deep breaths!

Once you’ve made it through a successful moving day, plan something cozy for yourself! Having a relaxing activity planned for the end of the day will help you get through the stressful moments during the day. Even if you don’t have furniture in your new home or apartment home, grab some blankets (heated blankets if you have them), your favourite movie and your favourite take-out! Sit back, relax and enjoy your new place.
If you’re looking for a great new apartment, Canadian Apartment Properties REIT has some available units.
When you rent with us you’ll have access to:
- A caring, professional onsite management team that works to oversee your properties
- A convenient resident experience. We offer an online resident portal when you move in that makes it easy for you to communicate and interact with us.
- Quality with a focus. We have a mission to be the best place to live and are focused on continuing to improve your resident experience by investing in local communities.
You can view our available properties at
Once you are settled into your new place, here are some additional tips to help you feel at home:
10 helpful tips to keep your dog happy in an apartment.
Our furry friends are the joy of our lives, and we are the joy of theirs! Living in an apartment, condo or other small space can provide some difficulty when it comes to keeping our pets happy. We want to help you and your fur baby thrive in any setting, so we have come up with 10 helpful tips to keep your dog happy in an apartment.
Fun things for kids to do in your new apartment.
Moving to a new apartment can be stressful for both you and your kids. A new area, school and routine may seem overwhelming, but there are plenty of fun activities that you can do to boost their excitement and help them feel at home in the new apartment.
Tenant Insurance: what your insurance company might not be telling you.
You have more coverage than you think. Before you sign off, be aware of what your insurance company might not be telling you about your tenant insurance policy.

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