Harbourview Terrace Apartments
Harbourview Terrace Apartments
308 Forbes Avenue, North Vancouver, BC, V7M 3E6
Contacter le bureau de location
308 Forbes Avenue, North Vancouver, BC, V7M 3E6
Visites sur rendez-vous uniquement.
Harbourview Terrace Apartments308 Forbes Avenue, North Vancouver, BC2 355 $ - 3 225 $1 1/2 - 4 1/2 -
Caractéristiques de l'immeuble
Caractéristiques de l'immeuble
Offering some of the finest apartments for rent in Vancouver, British Columbia, Harbourview Terrace is a beautiful property close to urban conveniences such as Lonsdale Quay Market,
Capilano Mall, restaurants, schools, public transportation and more! Close to home is the Lonsdale Quay Market, Capilano Mall, restaurants, coffee shops along with multiple schools in the area making Harbour View Terrace the ideal place to call your next apartment home.
Faites connaissance avec le quartier
- Close to Lonsdale Quay Market.
- Near Capilano Mall, restaurants, coffee shops.
- Multiple schools in the area include: St.Thomas Aquinas Regional Secondary School, St Edmunds School, and Queen Mary Elementary School.
- Public transportation (transit buses and Seabus) nearby.
Questions fréquentes
Questions fréquentes
- Politique relative aux animaux d’assistance
- Protégez-vous contre les escroqueries et les fraudes
- Comment payer le loyer?
Vous avez d’autres questions?