CAPREIT Resident Bill of Rights — For our multi-family residential properties

CAPREIT cares about its residents.
And we care about protecting their rights.
Throughout CAPREIT, we have formalized processes and policies that outline the way in which we interact with our residents, and what they can expect from us, and what we ask of them.
The purpose of the Bill of Rights is to showcase for our multi-family residential property residents, the many ways we provide residents choice in how they interact with CAPREIT, the respect they can expect, and the many services that are provided to them to provide feedback and escalate their concerns.
This Bill of Rights remains subject to the rights of our residents under applicable laws.
Are you a resident of one our Land Lease Communities?
If so, please click here to view
The CAPREIT Bill of Rights for Land Lease Community Residents.
CAPREIT will uphold the following rights:

Right to Human Rights

Right to Fair Treatment & Respect

Right to Privacy

Right to Ombudsman Support
CAPREIT offers CAPCares, an ombudsperson program that is managed by a third-party organization. This ombudsperson program is specifically designed to assist residents who do not feel they are receiving support from their property management office. If a resident has first submitted a work order, and they have not received a response or a reasonable resolution to their issue, they can escalate their concern by calling this free service. Their complaint will be recorded and reviewed by members of senior operations and customer experience management and appropriate steps will be taken to work with the resident to resolve the issue. Residents can call the CAPCares toll-free phone number at 1 855 227 6478. Residents are also welcome to contact

Right to Essential Services
Residents have the right to access heat, water (hot and cold) and electricity, where utilities are included as part of a resident’s rental amount. In all cases, residents have the right to general maintenance and upkeep of the property and garbage and waste removal. We are not permitted to revoke or refuse essential services, even if the resident has NOT paid their rent. From time to time, we may be required to shut off essential services for a limited period of time to perform maintenance, repairs, or to deal with emergencies. In the cases of pre planned shutdowns, we always provide ample notice to residents when essential services are shut down. These notices are served via the Resident Portal, door to door (if applicable), and placed on the community boards.
The Resident Portal also allows a resident to record an issue with an essential service as well as track maintenance issues to their successful conclusion. In an ongoing or emergency situation, residents will receive timely notifications through the Resident Portal through email or text. If there is a disruption to essential services outside of business hours, which has not been planned or communicated, residents can call After Hours Support by calling the rental office and listening for the prompts.

Right to Choose Tenant Insurance Provider to Protect Belongings

Right to Advance Notice on Rent Changes
CAPREIT provides residents with proper advance notice of any rent increase adjustments, in clear, easy to understand language that outlines the reason for the adjustment, the new amount, and the effective date. If we fail to provide residents with the proper advance notice required by the laws of the province in which the resident resides, their rent increase is not enforceable on the effective date
noted on the notice. A new notice will be issued with a new rent increase effective date, if required.
CAPREIT will follow all legislative guidelines in issuing a notice on a rent increase and we strongly encourage our residents to know what rules and legislation applies to them in their province.

Right to Access to Information

Right to Tenure

Right to No Renoviction

Right to Fair Legal Proceedings in Eviction
Residents will generally only be evicted or asked to leave their home for the
following reasons (subject to the laws applicable in the province where the
resident resides):
- breach of their tenancy agreement (example: failure to pay rent) or their other
obligations under the laws applicable in the province where the resident resides; - violence or harassment of staff or fellow residents;
- illegal conduct;
- safety concerns;
- destruction or significant damage to the resident’s home or property in which it is
situated; - major structural repairs, demolition or conversion;
- if the term of their tenancy expires and is not renewed; or
- if required or permitted by applicable law.
Residents in breach of their rental obligations have a right to be heard by
the appropriate regulatory body in their province that handles disputes
between housing providers and residents. CAPREIT will present itself and
the dispute in a fair and reasonable manner, with our preference to work
with residents so that these matters are resolved prior to the involvement
of legal proceedings.

Right to Provide Feedback & Communicate with CAPREIT
CAPREIT has a number of ways that residents can provide CAPREIT
feedback. These include:
- Rental Office
Contact information is posted in common areas and includes a phone number and email address. - WeCare
Residents can email and their request will be provided to senior operations management - CAPCares
CAPREIT’s ombudsperson program that escalates resident complaints if there are any outstanding work orders regarding issues in the suite and around the property. Residents are encouraged to call 1 855 227 6478 - National Resident Survey
Conducted annually in the fall, CAPREIT sends notices through the Resident Portal and social media to advertise the survey, in addition to signage around the property and in common areas. - Resident Portal
Residents have access to CAPREIT’s Resident Portal to log service issues. Residents must register with the rental office to obtain a unique username and password. Residents can access the Portal once those are obtained online at: - Maintenance Survey
every resident can complete a survey on their maintenance experience after their Resident Portal maintenance ticket has been closed. At the end of this survey, in addition to rating the performance, a resident can ask for follow up with a member of the operations team.
Are you a resident of one our Land Lease Communities?
If so, please click here to view
The CAPREIT Bill of Rights for Land Lease Community Residents.
Please be advised that this Bill of Rights is to inform residents of their rights as a tenant of a CAPREIT property and is not a legal opinion or legal advice in relation to the residential tenancy law or other applicable laws in the province in which the resident resides. These rights are not transferrable and cease to be applicable upon the end of a resident’s tenancy. Further, this Bill of Rights does not excuse any fault, admit any liability, or waive any rights as a result of any actions taken or benefits provided pursuant to this Bill of Rights. Under no circumstances does this Bill of Rights avail, modify or release a resident from any obligations under their lease, which is a legally binding document. For questions, please email

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