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Back to school Do’s and Don’ts

Students: whether it’s your first year, or last year of post-secondary, we’ve come up with a handy list of do’s and don’ts to help you have a great school year.


Do have a Schedule

It doesn’t matter if this is your first year or you last year of post-secondary having a schedule is key to ensuring you complete all your work/project/assignments on time. If maintaining a schedule is not your thing, there are some amazing apps that can help you with that. 


Do Keep Old Tests and Quizzes

Keeping old tests, projects and quizzes are a great way to study for exams and make a great study resource to get you prepared for upcoming exams. No matter on the grade you received, you can learn from the errors.


Do Prioritize Sleep

Enough sleep is imperative to maintaining your health. Your mental, physical, and emotional health starts with the proper amount of sleep. On average, young adults should aim for 7-9 hours nightly, to feel rested for the next day.


Do have a Dedicated Workspace

Make yourself a workspace for studying and homework that you like using. What ever works for you, make sure you have a space just for you. It may just be a corner of your room, or you may even have your own desk, do what works for you.


Do Meet New People

Meeting new people can be intimidating but post-secondary school is a great opportunity to meet new people. Keep an open mind and join a club or get involved with campus activities. This will make making friends much easier, some which could be lifelong friends.


Don’t be too Hard on Yourself

School is a lot of work and time with many ups and downs. Some days are going to be overwhelming and some days are going to be a breeze. You got this and you can do it! Repeat after me, “I have got this!”


Don’t Procrastinate

Post-Secondary school can be stressful! Now add last minute cramming to the mix.  The longer you put off studying, projects, or assignments, the more stressed you can get. Make sure to carve out enough time to study, review notes, past assignments, quizzes, and projects. Giving yourself enough time to study will help to keep your stress levels down.


Don’t forget to drink water – stay hydrated

Drink cool liquids before you feel thirsty when out enjoying the summer heat, to decrease your risk of dehydration. Stay away from alcoholic beverages and caffeinated beverages, and stick to water, juices and if necessary, drinks with electrolytes.


Don’t be Afraid to ask for Help

There are resources available for students through most schools and student unions. Whether you utilize tutors, librarians or counselors, there are many resources available to students. You can reach out to student services for each schools full list of resources.




CAPREIT Announces Release of 2023 ESG Report

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In the Media

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In the Media

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