Multi-Year Accessibility Plan – AODA

Updated: November 22, 2023

Part I – General

CAPREIT and its subsidiaries (“the Company”) are committed to working towards compliance with the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulations (IASR) and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA). We understand the goal is to develop a fully accessible Ontario by the year 2025 and affirm our commitment to providing service to customers in a timely manner that respects the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities.

Establishment of accessibility policies

CAPREIT develops, implements and maintains policies governing how we achieve—or will achieve—accessibility requirements. This includes a statement of our organization’s commitment to meet the accessibility needs of persons with disabilities in a timely manner. These are publicly available on our website at and internally for employees via our Intranet’s policy library, or upon request.

Accessibility Plans

CAPREIT implements, maintains and documents this multi-year accessibility plan, which outlines our organization’s strategy and actions toward removing barriers and meeting its requirements under AODA. The plan is updated every five years and is publicly available on, or upon request.

Self-service Kiosks

CAPREIT will evaluate accessibility concerns for persons with disabilities when designing, procuring or acquiring self-service kiosks. “Kiosk” means an interactive electronic terminal, including a point-of-sale device, intended for public use that allows users to access one or more services or products or both. At CAPREIT, this could potentially include: Rental office debit machines, Parking meters/machines, Laundry card machines etc.


CAPREIT will provide training to all Ontario employees on AODA and on the Human Rights Code as it relates to persons with disabilities. See Training section.

Part II – Information & Communication Standard

1. Feedback Process

CAPREIT will take the following steps to ensure that our existing process for receiving and providing feedback to employees and the public, based on our service, are accessible to persons with disabilities. Comments by employees and customers on our services regarding how well those expectations are being met are welcomed and appreciated. CAPREIT will communicate the availability of accessible formats and communications with respect to the feedback process and take action on any complaints. Any feedback on our processes can be sent to or by contacting Human Resources at 416-861-9404, speaking with a Site, Resident, or Operations Manager. 

Description Department Responsibility Status
Review & continue use of accessible and alternative feedback methods for general and accessibility related feedback. Operations
Human Resources
Monitor current feedback mechanisms and review opportunities to increase feedback & engagement with persons with disabilities. Operations
Human Resources
Continue responding in a timely manner to all accessibility related feedback and/or concerns. Operations
Human Resources
Respond to accessibility related feedback and/or concerns in appropriate requested accessible format. Operations
Human Resources

2. Emergency Procedure, Plans or Public Safety Information

CAPREIT is committed to providing emergency information in accessible public formats, upon request. In instances where we have prepared emergency procedures, plans or public safety information, we will provide the information in an accessible format or with appropriate communication supports, as soon as practicable, upon request.
Description Department Responsibility Status
Will regularly review and implement procedures for preventative and emergency maintenance of the accessible elements in public spaces. Operations Ongoing
Will regularly review and implement procedures for handling temporary disruptions and properly notifying the public when accessible elements required are not working. Operations Ongoing

3. Information & Communications

CAPREIT is committed to meeting the communication needs of persons with disabilities. We will consult with persons with disabilities to determine their information and communication needs and accommodate where possible. This includes:

Description Department Responsibility Status
AODA statement of commitment and Customer Service standards have been posted online. Operations Complete
Multi Year Accessibility plan and statement of commitment are publicly available. Operations
Continue communication efforts to increase awareness and to inform employees about accessibility challenges and issues related to persons with disabilities. Ongoing ideas to be implemented, such as articles in company communications, intranet subject feature, etc. Training / HR Ongoing
Prepare a list of vendors who have the necessary tools to convert our material into accessible formats in a timely manner. Marketing
Provide information and communications in accessible formats and with communication supports to people with disabilities upon request in a timely manner and at a cost that is no more than the regular cost. Operations

4. Accessible websites & web content

CAPREIT websites and content conform to the WCAG 2.0 A Standards as well as conform to WCAG 2.0 Level AA Standards.

Description Department Responsibility Status
External website compliance with WCAG 2.0 Level AA Standards. Marketing Ongoing
Establish budget to hire outside consultants to assist in meeting the new standard if we are unable to do so internally. Marketing Ongoing
Work closely with internal Information Technology and Marketing teams to ensure full understanding and compliance with WCAG 2.0 Level AA Standards. Marketing

5. Training

CAPREIT will provide training to all Ontario employees on Ontario’s accessibility laws and on the Human Rights Code as it relates to persons with disabilities. Training will be tailored to employee’s responsibilities and duties, and will be provided in a format that best suits the employee. The training will also be provided to every Ontario employee who participates in developing CAPREIT policies. Records of training completion shall be maintained.

Description Department Responsibility Status
Develop Accessibility Standards for Customer Service Policy and training in various formats for all Ontario employees. Training / HR Ongoing
Continue to conduct, access and review accessible customer service training for all Ontario employees. Training / HR Ongoing
Provide accessibility training on policies and procedures to all new Ontario employees within 3 months of hire. Training / HR Complete
Research and provide training for Ontario’s accessibility laws and Human Rights Code training in multiple formats, upon request. Training / HR Ongoing

Part III – Employment Standards

1. Employment

CAPREIT is committed to fair and accessible employment practices.


CAPREIT takes the following steps to notify the public and our employees that we will accommodate people with disabilities during the recruitment and assessment process and when candidates are hired.

Description Department Responsibility Status
Post updated accessibility policies on our website addressing our commitment to accommodate people with disabilities, including employees. Human Resources Complete
Review and revise work processes and policies for recruitment, screening & selection process to provide appropriate accommodations. Human Resources Complete
Include a statement on job postings that persons with disabilities will be accommodated and consulted upon request throughout the recruitment and selection process, and for the duration of their employment with CAPREIT. Human Resources Complete
Successful candidates will be notified verbally or in writing of our policies for accommodating employees with disability when hired, as well as be consulted upon any further requests for support. Human Resources Complete

2. Accessible Emergency Information & Workplace Emergency Response

CAPREIT is committed to providing our employees with emergency information in accessible formats upon request.


Upon request, Human Resources and Corporate Services will work together with the employee to develop an individualized emergency response information/plan that will meet their needs in an emergency situation.

Description Department Responsibility Status
Individualized workplace emergency response information will be provided to employees upon request in an accessible format when the need is communicated. The individualized workplace emergency response information will be reviewed when:
  • the employee moves to a different location within the Company;
  • accommodation needs or plans change;
  • CAPREIT reviews general emergency response policies.
Health & Safety Ongoing
Create a standard process to develop individual workplace emergency response plans taking into consideration individual accommodation needs. Health & Safety Ongoing
Emergency response information will be provided to all the interested parties as soon as practical after becoming aware of the need for accommodation. Health & Safety Ongoing

3. Individual Employee Accommodation Plan and Return to Work Policy

CAPREIT has established and implemented a Return to Work Policy and Procedure for developing individual accommodation plans for employees that have been absent due to a disability.

Description Department Responsibility Status
Review and revise Return to Work policy and process with related applicable accommodations in place annually. Human Resources Ongoing
Develop a standard template for the development of customized accommodation plans with the individual’s participation to meet their specific needs, including accessible formats and communication. This includes consideration for performance management, career development and redeployment processes. Human Resources Complete
Develop training for HR staff on the changes to the policy and process. Human Resources Ongoing
Communicate Return to Work Policy and procedure to employees. Human Resources Ongoing

4. Performance Management, Career development & Redeployment

CAPREIT will take the following steps to ensure the accessibility and accommodation needs of our employees with disabilities are taken into account for our performance management, career development and redeployment processes.

Description Department Responsibility Status
If necessary, review and revise performance management, career development, & employee redeployment policies. Human Resources
Executive Team
Develop targeted training for HR staff, on the changes to the policies and process. Human Resources Ongoing
Communicate revised policies to all employees. Human Resources Ongoing

5. Other Accessibility Barriers

CAPREIT will take the following steps to prevent and remove other accessibility barriers identified.

Description Department Responsibility Status
Continue to remove attitudinal barriers based on continued education & promotion of inclusive work environment. Human Resources Ongoing
Address any instances where a barrier might exist and determine a course of action to remove the barrier in a timely manner. Human Resources Ongoing

Part IV.1 – Design of Public Spaces

1. Design of Public Spaces

CAPREIT meets the Accessibility Standards for the Design of Public Spaces when building or making major modifications to public spaces in Ontario. Public spaces include:
  • Outdoor public eating areas;
  • Outdoor play spaces;
  • Outdoor paths of travel, like sidewalks, ramps, stairs, curb ramps, rest areas and accessible pedestrian signals;
  • Accessible to off street parking; and
  • Any other space that the CAPREIT deems necessary.
CAPREIT has procedures in place to prevent service disruptions to accessible parts of its public spaces. CAPREIT will also consult with all necessary parties outlined in AODA standards when establishing standards for construction and renovation. In the event of a service disruption to the accessible parts of public spaces, we will notify the public of the service disruption and alternatives available.

Part IV.2 – Customer Service Standards

1. Obtaining Services

CAPREIT meets the AODA standards when redeveloping or constructing service counters, waiting areas and fixed queuing lines. These services will accommodate mobility aides and marked appropriately.


CAPREIT will continue to maintain, update, and make available upon request all appropriate policies and with regards to accommodating and assisting people with disabilities with utmost dignity and independence.

2. Feedback Process and Requests for Information

If you require additional information or accessible formats and/or communication supports regarding CAPREIT Accessibility Policies and/or our Multi-Year Accessibility Plan, you may request it in person, by e-mail, or in writing or by any other means, as required.

Human Resources

11 Church Street, Suite 401

Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5E 1W1

Tel: (416) 861-9404


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