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CAPREIT Resident Bill of Rights — For our Land Lease Communities

CAPREIT cares about its residents.

And we care about protecting their rights.


Throughout CAPREIT, we have formalized processes and policies that outline the way in which we interact with our residents, and what they can expect from us, and what we ask of them. 


The purpose of the Bill of Rights is to showcase for our land lease community residents, the many ways we provide residents choice in how they interact with CAPREIT, the respect they can expect, and the many services that are provided to them to provide feedback and escalate their concerns.


This Bill of Rights remains subject to the rights of our residents under applicable laws.

Are you a resident of one of our multi-family residential properties?


If so, please click here to view
The CAPREIT Bill of Rights for multi-family residential property residents.

CAPREIT will uphold the following rights:

Right to Human Rights

CAPREIT abides by human rights laws applicable in the province where a resident resides. CAPREIT does not discriminate in the application process or in the delivery of service to any prospective resident or current resident based on any prohibited or protected ground of discrimination under applicable human rights laws.

Right to Fair Treatment & Respect

Mutual respect is an important foundational value that CAPREIT shares with its residents. We will treat our residents with respect, honesty, fairness, and dignity. We believe all disagreements can be resolved with reasonableness. We expect our employees to be treated in a similar manner by our residents. Violence and harassment of any kind from our employees or our residents is not tolerated. We want our residents to love where they live, and we want our employees to feel respected in their workplace.

Right to Privacy

CAPREIT respects our residents’ right to privacy. This includes physical privacy as well as data privacy.


If you rent the land and your home from CAPREIT, we are permitted to enter a resident’s home ONLY for these reasons: a) to make repairs, b) inspections, c) showings to prospective residents, d) for emergencies or e) for such other reasons as may be permitted by law.

If you only rent the land from CAPREIT and you own your own home, CAPREIT will not enter your home, except in the company of police authorities for the purpose of eviction or a wellness check.

Unless it is an emergency, which does not require 24 hours written notice, CAPREIT will always provide at least 24 hours’ notice of entry into a resident’s home or such longer notice as may be required under applicable laws.


CAPREIT will also employ reasonable measures to protect a resident’s identity and data. CAPREIT does not sell resident data to third party organizations. CAPREIT employs privacy personnel that residents can contact at any time at

Right to Ombudsman Support

CAPREIT offers CAPCares, an ombudsperson program that is managed by a third-party organization. This ombudsperson program is specifically designed to assist residents who do not feel they are receiving support from their property management office. If a resident has first submitted a work order, and they have not received a response or a reasonable resolution to their issue, they can escalate their concern by calling this free service. Their complaint will be recorded and reviewed by members of senior operations and customer experience management and appropriate steps will be taken to work with the resident to resolve the issue. Residents can call the CAPCares toll-free phone number at 1 855 227 6478. Residents are also welcome to contact

Right to Choose Homeowners' Insurance Provider to Protect Belongings

CAPREIT does not impose upon residents their choice of homwowners’ insurance providers. Homeowners insurance may be a mandatory part of a resident’s lease. In the event of an emergency such as a fire, water damage, or theft, it can replace a resident’s belongings, provide alternative housing, and cover necessary expenses, as well as pay for liability if a resident causes the damage. CAPREIT does not mandate who the insurer is residents have free choice to choose the policy that is right for them at the cost that is right for them.’

Right to Advance Notice on Rent Changes

CAPREIT provides residents with proper advance notice of any rent increase adjustments, in clear, easy to understand language that outlines the reason for the adjustment, the new amount, and the effective date. If we fail to provide residents with the proper advance notice required by the laws of the province in which the resident resides, their rent increase is not enforceable on the effective date
noted on the notice. A new notice will be issued with a new rent increase effective date, if required.


CAPREIT will follow all legislative guidelines in issuing a notice on a rent increase and we strongly encourage our residents to know what rules and legislation applies to them in their province.

Right to Access to Information

Residents have a right to receive all legal forms associated with their tenancy. This includes a copy of their signed tenancy agreement, the legal name of their housing provider, the address and contact information of their property management, and a rent receipt for all rent payments.

Right to Tenure

A resident in good standing with CAPREIT is legally permitted to continue to reside in a CAPREIT community until they choose to provide the appropriate notice to move. Residents will only be evicted or asked to leave for the reasons set forth in Section 12 “Right to Fair Legal Proceedings in Eviction”.

Right to No Renoviction

A renoviction is when a housing provider illegitimately evicts a tenant from a rental unit by claiming they will undertake major renovations or repairs but has no intention of doing so. CAPREIT acts in good faith and respects a resident’s rights. CAPREIT does not renovict. Residents will only be evicted or asked to leave for the reasons set forth in Section 12 “Right to Fair Legal Proceedings in Eviction”.

Right to Fair Legal Proceedings in Eviction

Residents will generally only be evicted or asked to leave their home for the
following reasons (subject to the laws applicable in the province where the
resident resides):


  • breach of their tenancy agreement (example: failure to pay rent) or their other
    obligations under the laws applicable in the province where the resident resides;
  • violence or harassment of staff or fellow residents;
  • illegal conduct;
  • safety concerns;
  • destruction or significant damage to the resident’s home or property in which it is
  • major structural repairs, demolition or conversion;
  • if the term of their tenancy expires and is not renewed; or
  • if required or permitted by applicable law.


Residents in breach of their rental obligations have a right to be heard by
the appropriate regulatory body in their province that handles disputes
between housing providers and residents. CAPREIT will present itself and
the dispute in a fair and reasonable manner, with our preference to work
with residents so that these matters are resolved prior to the involvement
of legal proceedings.

Right to Provide Feedback & Communicate with CAPREIT

CAPREIT has a number of ways that residents can provide CAPREIT
feedback. These include:

  • Administration Office
    Contact information is posted in common areas and includes a phone number and email address.
  • WeCare
    Residents can email and their request will be provided to senior operations management
  • CAPCares
    CAPREIT’s ombudsperson program that escalates resident complaints if there are any outstanding work orders regarding issues in the suite and around the property. Residents are encouraged to call 1 855 227 6478
  • National Resident Survey
    Conducted annually in the fall, CAPREIT sends notices through the Resident Portal and social media to advertise the survey, in addition to signage around the property and in common areas.
  • Resident Portal
    Residents have access to CAPREIT’s Resident Portal to log service issues. Residents must register with the rental office to obtain a unique username and password. Residents can access the Portal once those are obtained online at:
  • Maintenance Survey
    every resident can complete a survey on their maintenance experience after their Resident Portal maintenance ticket has been closed. At the end of this survey, in addition to rating the performance, a resident can ask for follow up with a member of the operations team.

Are you a resident of one of our multi-family residential properties?


If so, please click here to view
The CAPREIT Bill of Rights for multi-family residential property residents.


Please be advised that this Bill of Rights is to inform residents of their rights as a tenant of a CAPREIT property and is not a legal opinion or legal advice in relation to the residential tenancy law or other applicable laws in the province in which the resident resides. These rights are not transferrable and cease to be applicable upon the end of a resident’s tenancy. Further, this Bill of Rights does not excuse any fault, admit any liability, or waive any rights as a result of any actions taken or benefits provided pursuant to this Bill of Rights. Under no circumstances does this Bill of Rights avail, modify or release a resident from any obligations under their lease, which is a legally binding document. For questions, please email



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